EDP Floorball

EDP Floorball

Monday, June 30, 2014

National Primary Schools Floorball Championship 2014 (Junior Boys)

The time has finally come!

Yup! It's starting! WOOHOO!

As you guys know, we are in Group A (see above).

For non-competition members, if you are interested in cheering for our boys, please approach Ms Eng or Mdm Salina for more information.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Hey all!

Just a reminder, if you are interested to watch Floorball matches LIVE in Singapore..

This is like World Cup in the Floorball world! The tickets are at $7 to $14.

For more details, click on the picture above!

Things to bring on 23 June

Hi all!

Do remember to get a few things on 23 June!

  1. School's PE attire
  2. Yellow jersey
  3. Yellow soccer socks (you can get it from Sportlink/Queensway shopping mall/Any soccer apparel store)
  4. Water bottle (preferably 500ml and above, no gassy/colored drinks!)
  5. Stick

Friday, June 6, 2014

June holiday training

You have received 1 consent form today, do remember to get your parents/guardians to sign it and return to us on 23 June 2014, Monday.

Below are the details:

Day / Dates
23 June 2014, Monday
0800 – 1300
Reporting venue
In front of EDP General Office
Things to bring
Floorball stick, Water bottle, PE Attire/CCA jersey

Day / Dates
24 June 2014, Tuesday
0730 – 1145
Reporting venue
In front of EDP General Office
Things to bring
Floorball stick, Water bottle, PE Attire/CCA jersey

There’s a change in the training time for 27 June 2014 (Friday). It will be a debrief session for the boys based on their performance in the 2 friendlies.

Day / Dates
27 June 2014, Friday
0900 – 1100
School hall
Things to bring
Floorball stick, Water bottle, PE Attire/CCA jersey

Do have ample rest, drink lots of water, kiss good-bye to your favorite fast-food for now.

You can also do some easy fitness drills at home to keep yourself fit! :) Do a few (example: planking for 1 minute everyday, 30 push up, skip for 50 times without stopping, skip the lift and take the stairs, a slow jog around your neighborhood ...) everyday and do not be a couch potato at home!

1. Planking
Lie facedown resting on forearms. Push up onto toes, keeping the body as straight as possible. Draw the belly button toward the spine, squeeze your glutes and abs and hold for 30 seconds. Rest one minute, then do the move again. (Repeat once.)

2. Push up

3. Skipping

Enjoy your holiday and see you on 23 June! :)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Holiday training

Hi all!

Our holiday training will be on 5,6 and 27 June.

We will be going to some schools for friendlies, the time and date is still not confirmed yet. So I will be giving you the consent form on 6 June once it's confirmed.

Remember to watch your diet and do some PT when you're free! :)